Why You Actually Have 2 Brains 🧠

Morning Brainiacs!

Here's a fun little fact that definitely won't haunt you for the rest of your life…
If you open up someone's head, you’ll find their brain.

Not too shocking, I know…
But here's the thing, your brain is actually in 2 separate halves connected by one little nerve.
Each half is half of you.
The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body.

And the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and your speaking center.

Just a sec dude.
This is where it gets crazy… If you cut that nerve (for whatever reason).

Somehow you don't die!
In fact, now you’ve got both halves of your brain alive… independently.

What do I mean by this?
Well, it basically means you have 2 kinda intelligent people living inside you.
People who’ve had their nerve cut as a treatment for epileptic seizures often experience very strange things after their brain is split.
For example both sides even have the ability to draw a different image completely independently of each other…

Another example?
Many split-brain people say that when they go to pick out clothes their right hand picks something up, and their left hand picks up something different, seemingly on its own…

Now, remember how I said that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and your speaking center?
That means right brain is completely mute.

In normal brains this doesn't matter because they are connected together via the nerve and work together.
But what this means for split brains is that you can give the right side of your brain an apple…

And then ask the person “what's in your hand?”
And they’ll be like:

This is because the left brain is the only half that can talk.
And it can only see out of the right eye, like this

Meaning it literally doesn’t see the apple…
SUPER freaky.
So yeah, you’re not actually one conscious dude…
You’re actually 2 people… kinda working together!
Hopefully that didn't blow your mind too much lol.
Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈
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