Australia’s Toad Problem 🐸

3 min read

Morning toads!

See this little guy right here?…

He has absolutely taken over Australia!!


Funny story…

So it's the 1930s, and Australian farmers had a problem…

These little cane beetle larvae were chomping down on the roots of farmers sugarcane plants… not good.

So the farmers tried using CHEMICAL WARFARE!

Which… didn’t work.

Any other ideas?

The Australian government was like:

And shipped over 100 cane toads (A predator of the cane beetle) from Hawaii and set them loose.

And with that, Australia was never the same again…

See these toad boys are like squishy tanks!

They are massive, poisonous and eat anything put in front of them, insects, dog food, lizards, mice, birds…whatever.

Ironically, the one thing they CANT eat is the cane beetle, as they perch too high off the ground for the toads to reach!

And they couldn't get the larvae who live underground either…

Because they’re… underground.

Oh and I forgot to mention…

They have absolutely ZERO predators.

So one hundred toads quickly became one thousand.

Then ten thousand.

Then ten million.

Then a hundred million!

These little guys are UNSTOPPABLE…

Since being released these toad dudes have ate and bred SOOO much that they have actually started leading to the decline of countless native species and multiple natural habitats…

Woopsie indeed…

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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