How Do Bulletproof Vests Work? 🎽

Morning Vests!

Show durd with a bullet proof vest on putting a gun to himself and shooting himself in the vest and him being fine.
You know bulletproof vests?

How do they do that???
Well it's all thanks to one special material… something called:

Enter chemist Stephanie Kwolek…

(She’s Polish by the way)
Anyway, one day she was experimenting, trying to make a stronger form of the material nylon.

When she discovers a brand new material called kevlar!

It was somehow STRONG at rest.

But flowed like a liquid under pressure…

And when woven together it became stronger than… STEEL!

So…let's say you get shot, wearing this kevlar stuff…

The liquid-like chains in the kevlar mesh absorb the bullets energy by wiggling, spreading the force throughout the fabric…

Then the strong atomic bonds in the fibers hold it all together and kinda catch the bullet!

Stopping it from piercing through.
Meaning… YOU SURVIVE! And the bulletproof vest was born!

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈
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