How We Discovered Continental Drift 🌎

3 min read

Morning drifters!

You know continental drift?

Where the continents move over like hundreds of millions of years…

Like this:

We discovered it thanks to WWII submarines…

It's crazy, lemme tell ya.

So one day, around 1912, there was a guy who was looking at the shapes of South America and Africa on a map.

But how?

There's a giant ocean in between them??

How do you test this?

Let's go check.

They match!

The same fossils are on both shores!

Then all these other things start matching…

Rock types, mountains… it all fits!

But how on EARTH did land… MOVE??

We had no clue.

So we kinda put this whole idea on the backburner for a while…

Anyway, now it's WWII.

And the US starts this program to map the bottom of the Atlantic, looking for all the best hiding spots for their subs.

And look what they found…

A giant ridge in the center!!

So after WWII, this whole discovery was declassified, and we finally knew how continents moved!

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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