The Invention of Cotton Candy💭

3 min read

Morning Sweeties!

Cotton candy was invented by a… dentist.

Lol, lemme tell you the story.

So the year is 1897.

We’ve got this guy, James Morrison, a dentist from Tennessee.

But he wasn't JUST a dentist, he was also an inventor!

So, one day he and his confectioner buddy were talking one day about an idea for a candy.

Something sweet… yet soft and fluffy…

But they didn't know of anything like it that existed.

So together they got to work…

Tinkering around until finally they came up with this:

The electronic candy machine!

But how did it work?

Well, you simply pour the sugar in here.

Then the machine will heat it up to its melting point, making it a liquid.

While this is happening, it's also being spun really, really fast at like 3500 rotations per minute.

Because of the spinning, the liquified sugar shoots out of center through tiny holes.

And upon coming in contact with the air, the hot liquid sugar immediately solidifies forming long sugary threads!

These are then collected on a stick… and served to the customer!


They called the new treat fairy floss.

Their new treat was so good they decided to take it to the 1904 World’s fair.

Selling it in small wooden boxes for 25 cents each.

(That’s $6 in today's money)

So pretty pricey.

But that didn't matter, cause people LOVED the stuff!

Fairy floss was a hit!!

In just 6 months, they sold over 68,000 boxes!

Grossing around $440,000 in today’s money… not bad.

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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