The time the US made a “gay” bomb

3 min read

Morning Queens!

You read the title right.

The United States literally made a bomb…

In the hopes of turning people… GAY!!

So it's 1994.

And the US military was investigating the use of non-lethal chemical weapons.

You know, as a hobby.

This was cause they really wanted a way to fight groups without actually physically hurting or killing anyone.

They had many ideas…

-Vomit bombs

-Stink bombs

-Nausea bombs

Basically anything to render their enemies a sniveling mess…

(Without actually killing them)

But one of their ideas was WAY more stupid than the rest.

The idea that they could just drop a chemical on their enemies and turn them into raging homosexuals.

AKA… The GAY bomb!

But there was a problem…

This idea was frickin STUPID!

First, a chemical that does this, DOESN’T EVEN EXIST.

And second, even if they did have a bomb that magically turned everybody within the blast radius 100% gay, how exactly does that help them?

I mean what do they think is gonna happen?

They drop the bomb on a rebel group…

And suddenly everybody becomes too “gay” to fight???

This is what would actually happen:

Luckily, after the Pentagon submitted a proposal for scientific review in the early 2000s, they finally figured out this idea… kinda sucked.

So the US military gave up on it and started looking into other, less stupid, ideas…


Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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