How To Become President of The United States

3 min read

Morning POTUS!

So, you want to be President?

Ok, let's get started.

To even be able to run for president, you gotta meet 3 basic requirements:

  1. You gotta be born in the U.S.
  2. Gotta be at least 35 years old (no upper cap on this, a 119 yr old Pres is totally legal)
  3. You gotta have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years.

Ok great, what's next?

Now, the US has 2 main parties.

The Republicans.

And the Democrats.

And you're gonna have to pick which party you want to become the nominee for.

Woahhh, okay you WOKE MARXIST!

Woahhh, okay you RACIST ZEALOT!

Anyway, after you pick, members from both parties will vote in the primaries for which candidate they want to be their nominee.

So, ye you gotta win that.

The banner says: winner of the (non disclosed political party) nomination!

Then you going to wanna choose someone to be your Vice President (VP)

And finally, you begin your official campaign for the Presidency…

Making speeches.

Kissing babies.

You know, campaign stuff.

ALRIGHT!... Now it's election day.

People across every state begin casting their vote.

When people cast their vote, they are actually voting for a group of people called Electors.

And each state has a different number of electors.

Here's the map:

So the people in each state vote for whichever candidate they want to win.

And whoever gets the most votes in each individual state gets ALL the Electors for that state.

So if Durd were to win Texas, he'd win a whopping 40 electors.

Now, to actually “win”, each Elector you gain casts one “special” vote.

And the candidate who gets 270 or more of these votes is the WINNER!

Then finally, on January 20th, the newly elected President and Vice President are inaugurated and sworn into office.

And now you are the most powerful person in the world…

Congratulations Mr President!

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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