How to Make Rain in a Desert 🌧️

Morning Raindrops!

You read the title right.
The United Arab Emirates, which looks like this:

Has somehow figured out how to make it rain, at will.
Normally the UAE doesn’t get a lot of rain, just like 5 inches per year.
In comparison, the US receives an average of 30 inches of rainfall per year.
So, in an attempt to squeeze every last drop of moisture from their very un-moist sky, they had to figure out a solution.
And here's how they do it:

The UAE has a team of scientists monitoring the skies of the country in real time, all the time.
Searching for tiny clouds.

And as soon as a cloud is spotted, no matter how small, things kick into action.
Because clouds are literally made of rain.
So they get a plane, stick a pilot in it, fill the plane with 48 kilograms of salt and let it fly towards the tiny cloud.

Why the salt?
Well, that's because the salt is used to attract water.

And they don't just use regular salt, no, no, they use this special type of nano enhanced salt that's 3x better at attracting water than normal salt.

Let's get back on track. So, the plane’s flying towards the little cloud.

And once it gets there, it literally just dumps the salt into the air.

The salt molecules attract the water particles in the clouds, making the clouds heavier…

And heavier…

Until finally…

It starts RAINING!
This is what's called Cloud Seeding.
Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈
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