Why Do We Snore? 😴

Morning Snorers!

You know when you're on holiday or something and you have to sleep in the same room as your dad?

But he just…



Why is that?
Well, let's take a look.
Now, when we breathe, we suck in air through our nose and mouth, like this:

That air then flows down the back of our throat and into our lungs.
But there's a problem!
See all this stuff?

The soft, flexible tissues that make up our throat?
When we sleep, these tissues can become TOO relaxed and sag down…

Causing them to partially block the airway!

Now, as we continue breathing, the air has to pass through this smaller opening.
Causing it to VIBRATE.

Which creates the sound or snoring.

The more the Airway is blocked… the MORE it will vibrate.

And the louder the snoring becomes!

Sorry Durd…
Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈
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