How Stores Are Designed to Sell You More 🛒

3 min read

Morning Customers!

Here are some DEVIOUS ways stores are designed to sell you more…

So imagine you walk in through the store entrance.


Look at all that fresh produce and flowers!

This is put here to trigger positive feelings and a sense of abundance!

Which statistically, makes you want to buy more…

Ok, what are we lookin for?


They are put AAAAALLL the way over here…

You know, around the periphery.

Which forces you to WALK PAST all these other items just to get there.

Oh, and did I mention?

The stores are designed to allow you to follow a counterclockwise path.

Which has been found to increase spending by $2 per store trip!

That might not sound like a lot, but that's on average 156 bucks of spending MORE per year.

That’s another thing!

Stores will put the most sold items in the center of the aisles to force the shoppers to WALK PAST even more stuff they could buy!!

See, that’s the trick…

They try to keep you walking around for AS LONG AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

To increase the chance you see something not on your list and BUY IT!!

Very sneaky…

Another sneaky tactic?

They also put the most profitable stuff at eye level i.e. large name brand stuff.

(Because that’s what makes them the most $$$)

Alright, checkout time.

Oop, don't forget the candy that's always put right by the checkout!


Yikes, that’s a lot more than we came in for…

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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