The Saw That Can’t Cut Through Flesh ⚙️

Morning Woodworkers!

You know saws? Like the woodworking ones.
This one literally CANNOT chop off your fingers:

See? Crazy right?
It chops wood like nobody's business but the second it feels flesh… it IMMEDIATELY stops and retracts.
Preventing a very nasty accident…

But how does it work?
How does it know if it's touching flesh or wood?
Well, here’s the trick.
The blade itself carries a very small electric current.

This doesn't affect the cutting of the wood cause wood isn't conductive.

But you know what is conductive?

And you know what we're made of?
70% water.

This means that if one of our watery, fleshy fingers touches the blade…

It completes a circuit.

INSTANTLY triggering the stopping mechanism which springs a giant chunk of metal up into the saw blade to immediately stop it from spinning and retract it into the machine.

And it does ALL this in just 5 milliseconds!!

That's like 10 times faster than airbags are deployed.

The only trouble?
Now you have to buy a new saw…

But at least you get to keep your finger!
Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈
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