The Invention of Toothpaste 🪥

3 min read

Morning Toothpastes!

You know toothpaste?

It was invented by complete… accident!

It all started in 1901 with this dentist guy Frederick McKay.

He had just packed up and moved to a new town… Colorado Springs!

But when he got there…

The Colorado Springs residents had… AWFUL TEETH!

Covered in ugly brown stains.

But upon checking them out, Frederick realized something kinda weird…

Despite the fact that the Colorado Springs residents' teeth LOOKED awful, they actually were incredibly healthy, with almost no cavities and very low levels of tooth decay.

It was… weird.

And Frederick had NO CLUE WHY..

And neither did any of his dentist buddies

But eventually… 30 YEARS later… they figured it out!

It turns out the people of Colorado Springs had gross but healthy teeth, because their water was FULL of naturally occurring fluoride!

See, Fluoride strengthens the hard outer layer of your teeth against acids by creating another even TOUGHER outer layer called fluorapatite!

And it wasn't long before someone else figured out that if you keep the concentration of fluoride below 1 part per million, it protects the teeth, without giving you any of those ugly brown stains!

Even better?

If you add fluoride to already existing dental creams used for teeth cleaning, like this one from Colgate:

You get modern day toothpaste!

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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