Are Black Cats Really Bad Luck? 🐈‍⬛

3 min read

Morning moggies!

Here's a sad fact for ya.

Black cats take on average 4 TIMES longer to be adopted from cat shelters than any other cat breed!

Thanks to black cats still being linked to “bad luck”.


Where did this whole “Bad luck” thing come from anyway?

For that we gotta go ALLLL the way back to ancient egypt…

See, the Egyptians, they LOVED cats!

So much in fact, they actually worshiped them!

They made little cat statues…

They made hurting any cat punishable by death…

And look, they even had a cat goddess:

A little while later when Christianity swept through Europe these old religious symbols, especially black cats, began being seen as bad omens… or bad luck…

It got so bad in 1233 the Pope at the time said this:

Because of this many Christians, eager to please the Pope, took it upon themselves and started rounding up black cats all across Europe and… BURNING THEM AT THE STAKE!

Yes this really happened.

But it wasn't over for black cats just yet.

After being associated with the Devil it naturally led them to be associated with another evil…


This wasn't helped by a story involving a father and son in Lincolnshire England in the 1560s where, whilst on a walk at night a black cat crossed their path and dove into a crawl space.

Naturally because black cats are evil they started pelting the damned thing with rocks until it scurried off into a nearby old ladies house.

But the next day the father and son saw this old lady… and she was limping!

Which means…

And so from that day on it was believed that all black cats were witches in disguise!

After that, black cats and witches were inseparable…

Leading black cats to be considered… bad luck.

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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