Why Did Egyptians Worship Cats? 𓃠

3 min read

Morning Felines!

Cats were EVERYWHERE in ancient Egypt!




Even more Statues:

Why were the Egyptians so OBSESSED with cats??

Well, wild cats have lived around egypt basically forever.

But, when people discovered you can grow plants in dirt, that's when things kicked off for real!

As these farms would attract MILLIONS of mice and other rodents.

And they started attracting MILLIONS of cats!

Eventually these wild furballs started becoming more comfortable around humans.

Going into their houses.

Accepting their food.

And scratching their furniture.

But It turns out these furry creatures weren’t just mouse killers; they were actually MUCH better predators than the ones we have in our homes today.

They’d easily be able to protect your house from deadly poisonous creatures like snakes or scorpions.

The people realized these furry predators were super handy to have around.

As well as this, ancient Egyptian kings and pharaohs of the time kinda had a thing for lions aka BIG cats.

The common people saw this and were like:

The only trouble is lions were… not that safe to have around.

So they went for the next best thing.

Mini lions!

This led to house cats being as common IF NOT MORE COMMON in Ancient Egypt than today!

But, here's the thing…

For the Egyptians cats went beyond fluffy mouse catchers, they also became symbols of divinity!

Like this chick:

Known as Bastet, a cat-headed goddess linked to fertility, protection, and pleasure.

Ancient Egyptians believed animals were earthly forms of their gods.

Cats became kinda like sacred creatures.

They’d be dressed up in jewelry.

They’d be mummified and buried to honor them in the afterlife.

Even something like slightly harming a cat became a REALLY serious offense.

That was punishable by… DEATH!


Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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