What Happens if You Take Steroids? 💉

Morning gym bros!

You know steroids?
The things that let hollywood actors go from this:

To this:

In just 1 YEAR!
WTF are these things?
Well the “steroids” we're talking about refer to a subset of steroids that are very similar to the natural hormone testosterone.

These things have 2 main effects, Androgenic and Anabolic.
Androgenic effects basically make you more “masculine”.

Think hair growth, balding, deepening voice etc.
Anabolic effects on the other hand are what the gym bros are REALLY after.
Thanks to their muscle growth promoting qualities.

How does that work?
Well, to make muscles grow, you need lots of things, and one of those things is protein.
Everybody knows this.
What steroids do is they block something called cortisol, which is a lil molecule that breaks down these proteins.

Steroids also work by pushing the development of muscle rather than fat and boosting your metabolism.
Meaning your body starts using more of your excess fat as fuel.
Thus reducing body fat %.
Thus making your muscles look bigger!

Sounds great right?
In fact they are SO great doctors use steroids ALL THE TIME to treat many illnesses and injuries to help people with muscle wasting illnesses like AIDS and some cancers.

Well……it’s not that simple.
First, people who use steroids for gym work typically need super high doses, wayyy higher than doctors would ever give you, otherwise they won’t get much muscle growth.
But, while steroids may give you a rad bod, sure… They can also have some seriously BAD side effects.
Including but not limited to:
Increased aggression (roid rage)

Kidney damage

Liver cancer

Breast development

And… shrinking balls.

Yeah… maybe not lol.
Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈
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